Experts in Hip Replacement Surgery
Any injured or damaged joint in the body can cause pain and issues with mobility. Conditions of the hip,
however, can cause significant joint pain and compromise the function of, or even damage, other joints in the body. If you notice a difference in mobility or hip pain, it’s time to see an orthopedic specialist. Our comprehensive orthopedic team at Skagit Regional Health has experience and expertise to diagnose conditions of the hip and perform leading-edge surgeries for partial or total hip replacement.
A misaligned or malfunctioning hip can manifest itself as back or knee pain. This is one of the many reasons why getting evaluated by an orthopedic specialist is critical. Our specialists use weight-bearing X-rays to accurately identify hip problems so they can be addressed and treated properly. A multidisciplinary team discusses potential treatment options with the patient, which may or may not involve hip surgery. Sometimes different treatments and forms of rehabilitation can also help. In other cases, a total or partial hip replacement is recommended.
Leading-Edge Options in Hip Surgery
Skagit Regional Health is one of the only health systems in northwest Washington to offer the latest approach in hip replacement surgery called anterior hip replacement. The anterior approach means your surgeon accesses the hip from the front and works between the muscles rather than cutting them. This method allows for a faster recovery, reduces the inpatient hospital stay by a day or two, and enables patients to return to work after six weeks rather than three months. The anterior approach also dramatically reduces the risk of dislocation after hip surgery, which results in improved mobility and less limping.
Because the anterior method is not suitable for every patient, we do offer lateral and posterior hip replacement as well, which have similar long-term success results as the anterior approach. Body habits, significant obesity, advanced arthritis, a deformity of the hip, or if the patient has had previous surgeries on that hip are some reasons why the anterior approach might not be the right option.
In some cases, a partial hip replacement or surgical revision is all that is needed to stabilize a hip. Our team has the expertise to successfully correct these issues, as well.
Comprehensive, Patient-Centered Care
Skagit Regional Health takes a collaborative, team approach to care and decision making. As patients prepare for surgery, our multidisciplinary team ensures each patient is ready. They work with other providers, making sure the patient’s health is optimized for the best outcomes. For instance, we recommend cavities and other dental issues are taken care of before surgery to reduce the risk of infection. We also assess patients for risk of deep vein thrombosis and proactively provide medication to prevent blood clots from forming. Patients and their families also attend Joint Replacement Classes in preparation for joint replacement surgery to go through what to expect during the entire joint surgery process.
Before, during, and immediately following surgery, the team takes a proactive approach to reduce complications. During surgery, patients are actively monitored. In addition, surgeons close all wounds with stitches that do not have to be removed, reducing the risk for infection and other complications.
Our team of highly experienced orthopedic surgeons, nurses and therapists continue to work closely with the patient and family during recovery, getting patients up and walking as early as the day of surgery. Patients work directly with therapists while in the hospital and then are given exercises to do at home following discharge to help improve recovery. After six weeks, patients have a follow-up appointment with their surgeon to determine if additional physical therapy or orthopedic rehabilitation is required, but most often the in-home exercises are enough.
Find Solutions to Hip Pain and Mobility Issues
If you or a loved one are experiencing hip pain or mobility issues, contact one of our orthopedic specialists at Skagit Regional Health. We can help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.