Supporting Newly Diagnosed Patients

As a patient of our cancer center, you and your loved ones will have access to various support services during all phases of your treatment and care. These services can include medical social work, patient navigation, financial advocacy, nutrition, educational and community resources.

The primary role of our Patient Navigators is getting you connected with the resources and information you need in order to communicate with your healthcare team about your treatment options and choices.

Our team is here to remove any barriers to care and assist with:

  • Confirming your records are transferred in time to each physician
  • Connecting you with reliable, accurate information about your cancer
  • Ensuring you have access to our entire team - nurses, financial advocate, social work team, nutritionist - for cancer support and education
  • Scheduling you with the right cancer specialists at the right time
  • Understanding all the capabilities of our system of care at Skagit Regional Health

Understanding Medical Benefits Gives Peace of Mind

Our Patient Financial Navigators will be able to assist you in understanding the insurance benefits you have available, or to research other benefit options you might need. Additionally, we work to identify local, state and national financial assistance for cancer patients and/or prescription assistance programs which may be available.

Oncology Social Work Services

An Oncology Social Worker, is available to assist with the multi-faceted impact a cancer diagnosis can have and the emotional and social health concerns that may occur during the treatment process.

Specific concerns may include coping with the news of a diagnosis, communicating with family, friends, and employers, and the effect of treatment decisions as they relate to work, family and quality of life. Referrals to community agencies, transportation assistance  and/or other supportive service are also available.


Healthy nutrition can assist in aiding tolerance to treatment, enhance energy level and support the immune system. Our cancer center can access a professional dietitian/nutritionist to provide consultation and current resources based upon your specific concerns or needs.

Cancer Care Patient LibraryTransportation

Transportation to and from treatment can be a concern for many patients and families. Your oncology social worker can assist you in locating the resources that are most appropriate for your current needs. Please call 360-814-8255 to discuss the options that may be available to you or your loved one.

For More Information About Patient Support Services

To learn more about our Patient Support Services, please contact our social work team at the Skagit Regional Health Cancer Care Center at 360-814-8255. We look forward to helping you in any way.