Baby Safety and Security
During your stay at our Family Birth Center, your baby's safety is top priority. The arrival of your new baby is both exciting and exhausting. We want to make sure you and your baby have a safe and comfortable hospital stay. Our nursing staff is here to help you.
Staff Working in the Family Birth Center
Become familiar with the staff working in the Family Birth Center. A nurse will be assigned to care for you and your baby. The nurses will come in and introduce themselves to you when they come on shift.
All Family Birth Center staff members wear easily recognizable photo identification badges. We ask that you DO NOT give your baby to anyone unless you know who they are, or they have an ID badge that displays their photo.
You have the right to question ANYONE who comes into your room. If you are unsure of anyone who comes in your room or asks about your baby, even if he or she is wearing a hospital uniform or has an apparent reason for being there, press your call light to check with your nurse.
Baby Stays with Mom
We also make sure that your baby remains in your direct care throughout your hospital stay. For your baby's safety and security, never leave your baby unattended. Have a family member stay with baby whenever you leave your room. We ask that you place your baby in their crib when you are out of bed and to transport while you're walking outside your room.
Maternal fatigue or pain medication may impact your ability to safely hold your baby. Please return your baby to the crib when you are ready for sleep.
Electronic Monitoring Keeps Mom and Baby Safe
To further ensure your baby's safety, each baby is monitored through an electronic device on their ankle or leg that will remain attached until discharge. An alarm will trigger if the baby were to leave the birthing unit or if the device becomes loose or is removed.
Important Ways to Prevent Falls or Drops
Having a new baby is demanding on your body. During this incredible and exhausting time, our nursing staff is here to help and guide you. Here are some important things we can do together to ensure the health and safety of you and baby.
- Ask for help if you need it. Medications and giving birth can make you tired and difficult for you to place your baby back into the bassinet. We are here to help you around the clock. Staff will be checking with you on a regular basis to ensure your
comfort and your baby’s safety.
- When you feel sleepy or plan to sleep, place your baby in the bassinet. No one should sleep with your baby in a bed, couch, or chair. This is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
- If a nurse sees you or someone else falling asleep with your baby in their arms, we will remind you to place your baby in their bassinet for safety.
- Keep the clutter in your room to a minimum so that you or anyone else does not trip while carrying your baby.
- Everyone should transport your baby in the bassinet when leaving the room for a walk in the hallway or for procedures.