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Skagit Regional Health in the community during October 2024

Skagit Regional Health is dedicated to collaborating with our communities to promote health and wellness. Below is a list of community events and engagements that some of our providers and staff participated in for the month of October:

Stop the Bleed – October 3

Skagit Regional Health instructors provided a STOP THE BLEED® training course in the Shuksan Conference Room at Skagit Valley Hospital. This course was free and open to community members and staff. Attendees were instructed how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and how to act quickly and effectively to control bleeding with three techniques.

Stilly Valley Health Connections Cooking Class – October 10

Stilly Valley Health Connections hosts monthly cooking classes taught by a registered dietitian nutritionist. Skagit Regional Health sponsored October’s class, “Soups, Stews and Bone Broths” held on October 10.

Cooking classes are free and the community is invited to attend in-person or online via Zoom. The next cooking class, “Diabetes-Friendly One Pot Meals,” will be held on Thursday, November 14. To register, click here to attend in person or click here to attend online.

Boys and Girls Club of Snohomish County Gala – October 12

Skagit Regional Health was a sponsor for the Boys and Girls Club of Snohomish County’s Reach for the Stars Grand Gala. Support from sponsors and donors allows Boys and Girls Club of Snohomish County to further their mission to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Skagit Regional Health In the Community

LaVenture Middle School Visit – October 10

Crissi Franulovich, RN and Kyla Malean, RN visited LaVenture Middle School’s 8th grade AVID class to talk about careers in the operating room. They set up a table and allowed the students to try gowning and gloving for surgery. They also showed them surgical sponges, discussed how they can be detected by X-ray and talked about surgical counts. “The students asked great questions about the various roles in the operating room, wages and the time it takes to get various degrees,” shared Crissi. “The students really seemed to enjoy learning about career choices in medicine and in the operating room.” 

Thank you to our community partners and our staff for your continued dedication with providing services to our communities.