Integrative services enhance patient quality of life
At Hospice of the Northwest, we incorporate integrative services alongside conventional interventions to reduce pain and enhance comfort at the end of life. These holistic approaches are fully funded through community donations to the Hospice of the Northwest Foundation, ensuring that these services are provided at no charge to our patients.

Integrative services include:
- Aromatherapy: Utilizing essential oils to promote relaxation, reduce nausea, ease stress and improve sleep.
- Massage therapy: Touch treatments to increase relaxation, relieve pain and promote sleep, often for psychological comfort.
- Therapeutic music: Tailored music to ease physical, emotional and spiritual pain.
- Therapeutic pet visits: Interactions with pets to reduce stress and bring comfort.
- Art and craft activities: Creative expression facilitated by spiritual counselors and social workers.
These services support our holistic care approach, offering alternatives and complements to conventional medicine, tailored to each patient’s unique goals and care plan. To learn more about these services, please visit