Board of Trustees


Skagit Regional Health Foundation Board of Trustees

Community volunteers are the key to the Skagit Regional Health Foundation's efforts in securing philanthropy. The Foundation is led by the following group of community leaders who serve generously and without compensation.


Bobbi Fisher
Bobbi Ahrenius
Sedro-Woolley School District
Katie Biringer

Katie Biringer
Biringer Nursery

Travis Coulter

Travis Coulter
Prosidium Warranty & Capital

Laura Fisher

Laura Fisher
Vice President of Planned Giving

Duane Henson

Duane Henson
WAFD Insurance

Brian Ivie

Brian Ivie
President and CEO,
Skagit Regional Health

Aldi Kllogjeri

Aldi Kllogjeri
SVP, Commercial Loan Officer,
Peoples Bank

Evelyn Morse

Evelyn Morse
Mount Vernon School District

Sandra Nootenboom

Sandra Nootenboom
Festival of Trees Co-Chair
Proposal Manager
Snelson Companies, Inc.

Larry Otos

Larry Otos
Past President
The Otos Group LLC

Aaron Robbins

Aaron Robbins
ParTee Golf Classic Co-Chair
Battalion Chief
Mount Vernon Fire Department

Angela Speer

Angela Speer Usyk
VP, Project Management
WE Communications

Kris Wallan

Kris Wollan
Festival of Tress Co-Chair
Mount Vernon School District

Zach Barborinas

Zach Barborinas
Pilot and Manager,
Vector Management, LLC

Lesha Boucher

Lesha Boucher
Registered Nurse,
Skagit Regional Health

Viry Delgado
Viry Delgado
Owner, COA
Mexican Eatery & Tequileria
Brett Fontes

Brett Fontes

Alicia Huskka
Alicia Huschka
Assistant Treasurer
Chief Financial Officer,
Northwest Clean Air Agency
Katie Junquist
Katie Junquist
Vice President of Cancer Care
Skagit County Treasurer
Michelle Knutzen
Michelle Knutzen, RN
Staffing Coordinator, 
Emergency Department
Cascade Valley Hospital
Mike Marken
Mike Marken
Par Tee Golf Classic Co-Chair
Detective Sergeant,
WA State Patrol
Holly Nielsen
Holly Nielsen
Regional Director 
Behavioral Health Services
Skagit Regional Health
Scott Railton

Scott Railton
Attorney at Law

Gary Shand
Gary Shand
Public Hospital District #1
Skagit Regional Health
Brent Thompson

Brent Thompson
Vice President,
Public Relations Chair

Mount Vernon Police Department